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About Us

"Solar by the People for the People" is a Brokerage Firm that provides free consultations and compares between between Top Rated Local Solar, Roofing & Home Security Contractors to find people the best solution for their unique situation.


We help customers find the best contractor and lender for their unique project along with helping them find any additional incentives, rebates and tax credits from the utility, city and state so they can work with their accountant and financial advisor to maximize savings!


We also help contractors and sales partners by connecting them with each other and streamlining their back end sales systems to bring down costs and give them the ability to grow sustainably so they can be competitive and provide their customers with the best price and customer service possible!

Connecting Dots

Does Solar Make Sense for My Property?


Solar is an amazing product that can save people thousands but it doesn’t work for everyone. There are a ton of moving parts that are constantly changing on the financing, utility, city, state and federal level which is why we take the time to thoroughly understand our client's specific situation.

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